Kalimpong has a very rich ethnicity and the presence of different ethnic group has made Kalimpong very rich in forming the diverse populace of the district. from the early times of the British occupation in this area the Population has grown steadily up in particular in the Kalimpong town. Administratively Kalimpong district is divided in 4 units – Kalimpong-I Block, Kalimpong-II Block & Gorubathan Block and the Kalimpong Municipality.
According to the 2011 Census the Population of Kalimpong district is 2,51,642, which is 26,422 higher than the population of the previous census of 2011.
Area | Population in 1991 | Population in 2001 | Population in 2011 | Total Electors | Elector / Population Ratio |
Kalimpong Municipality | 38832 | 42998 | 49403 | 36811 | 0.745 |
Kalimpong-I | 53641 | 67680 | 74746 | 59607 | 0.797 |
Kalimpong-II | 51411 | 60263 | 66830 | 52312 | 0.783 |
Gorubathan | 46382 | 54279 | 60663 | 46522 | 0.763 |
Total | 190266 | 225220 | 251642 | 195252 | 0.776 |

Demographic Changes